The World According to Nick
My take on Software, Technology, Politics, and anything else I feel like talking about.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well This Doesn't Surprise Me 

There's a new law being proposed in Congress:

Washington, D.C. - In an attempt control the obesity epidemic that is spreading rapidly among the nation's youth, several members of Congress have proposed a new law, labeled the Carbohydrate Protection Act of 2006. The bill requires that federal highway dollars be held back from states that do not pass laws banning access to soda and sugary snacks to anyone under 18.
At a press conference with her husband Bill at her side, who has fought for this ban since starting the William J. Clinton Foundation, Senator Hillary Clinton said "We have already made great strides in protecting our youth by discouraging them from drinking alcohol until 21, and smoking until 18. This is the next obvious step in protecting those who we hold most dear in our hearts."
Under the new law, states would have to require a driver's license to be presented in order to purchase soda or candy. Vending machines would also have to equipped with magnetic card readers capable of reading a driver's license in order to detect the age of the purchaser.

Parody? Reality? Who can tell anymore.


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Name: Nick
Home: Wauwatosa, WI, United States

I'm a Software Consultant in the Milwaukee area. Among various geeky pursuits, I'm also an amateur triathlete, and enjoy rock climbing. I also like to think I'm a political pundit.

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