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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
A ConfessionThis secret has been weighing heavily on me for a long time. People would talk about it publicly, or a question about it would arise and I wouldn't say anything. How can I admit that? No. Nobody can know. It's been hard... and recently I've come to realize that it's time I release my burden. Maybe because it's my birthday, as I look back on my life, I find that I just don't give a shit what people think any more. So here it is. I'm laying my cards on the table with this one. I like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And not just because of Sarah Michelle Gellar either (though that obviously is part of it... I am a guy after all). I think it's actually a good show. I watch it in syndication sometimes. The writing is great, it's incredibly funny, and I enjoy the plots. I have outright denied it before. One of the women I used to work with, who I became pretty good friends with, once asked me outright whether I liked the show or not. I saw it in her eyes, the disdain, the loathing, the fear that I might say yes. I'm sorry Stephanie... but I looked you right in the face and lied to you. The only time I ever came close to admitting it was at a party a year ago or so. We were actually playing Trivial Pursuit DVD edition, and the question came up about the show... and I answered it, almost immediately without thinking. What can I say... my competitive nature was bigger than my need to keep it a secret. Everyone sort of looked at me kind of strange, but nobody asked why... but I guess they all knew. So there you have it. You may be asking yourself why I'm coming out of the Buffy closet all of a sudden. Well, as it turns out the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon, is encouraging people to vote for John Kerry, and using Buffy parties to do it. Joss... why'd you have to try to politicize such a fantastic creation? Can't we just have one thing that doesn't involve politics? Can't you just leave Buffy to her stake plunging antics? Personally, I think Spike would definitely want Bush for President.
1. Kristi Swanson was a way better(read hotter) Buffy. 2. You need to date more. You would have much better lies to women to confess. Like Susie I really never intended to put it in just a little. Sorry, here's the child support check. 3. Bill Clinton should have taught you to deny everything until there is DNA evidence. 4. Shame on you for watching anything on the WB consistently. Don't you know it is a tool of the devil? 5. You need to date more. I know I said it before but I think it bears repeating. 6. I think I now know why you live in Wisconsin "America's Dairyland" 7. Farmer Brown would definitely vote for Bush. 8. What pray tell is wrong with the plain old Trivial Pursuit. Must everything require a plug? Wasting BTUs so you don't have to lift your hand to roll a die and sacrifice the half calorie. What next toilet paper on DVD? 9. Okay even I don't really understand the toilet paper reference but it's late and I'm tired...duh... maybe because it's late! 10. I love you very much little brother. Have a great birthday and your Star Wars trilogy on DVD is in the mail.
Uh... That would be big brother. Refer to the Public Goading post. I married his sister and she IS Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I have the stake marks to prove it...
1. I might be able to give you credit on Kristi Swanson... but Sarah Michelle was a much funnier and smarter Buffy as silly as that sounds.
2. I won't argue with #2 3. What toilet paper reference? Maybe you should have your wife start reading to you at night instead. 4. I wouldn't be surprised one iota if he sent me Star Wars on DVD. 5. Go ahead and keep calling him a girl Macy, it's funny as hell. 6. Why is it that we're numbering everything all of a sudden?
I love your rice! I just want to eat a huge bowl of it. Could you invent a press that could print your blog onto rice? I would eat every word.
Kirdan Arafat
My rice? I have no idea what you're talking about... and I'm pretty imaginative.
As far as being able to print my blog on rice... as it turns out I used to consult for a company that made control systems for printing presses so I know a little something about that. Although I don't think you could print on rice itself... you could probably print on rice paper with the the proper non-toxic ink... but then again that's just my geeky nature taking over again.
Refer to Cromagnon commment #1 and 2# So not a friend of Dorothy. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;) Excuse me, I have to go butch up now...
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![]() Name: Nick Home: Wauwatosa, WI, United States I'm a Software Consultant in the Milwaukee area. Among various geeky pursuits, I'm also an amateur triathlete, and enjoy rock climbing. I also like to think I'm a political pundit. View My Profile Archives
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