The World According to Nick
My take on Software, Technology, Politics, and anything else I feel like talking about.
Monday, August 29, 2005

A Cry Too Far 

I've held my tongue for a long time about Cindy Sheehan. I don't have children, and I don't have any family in Iraq. So who was I to try to tell a mother how to grieve the loss of her son? I certainly don't agree with what she has to say, but some people do. That's how it goes with most things. I certainly don't agree with her that the Iraq war is about Israel. I don't agree with her that the terrorists who killed her son are freedom fighters. I don't agree about with how the far left seems to be using her grief for photo ops. I think it's shameful. But then again, she's letting it happen, and in fact encouraging it. I certainly don't agree that she holds any sort of moral authority. I thought it was a shame that she seemed to have fallen so far over the edge. Strangely, she has said much worse things than this... yet I consider this to be going to far over the edge:

How can these moms who still support George Bush and his insane war in Iraq want more innocent blood shed just because their sons or daughters have been killed? I don't understand it. I don't understand how any mother could want another mother to feel the pain we feel. I am starting to lose a little compassion for them. I know they have been as brainwashed as the rest of America, but they know the pain and heartache and they should not wish it on another. However, I still feel their pain so acutely and pray for these "continue the murder and mayhem" moms to see the light.

Many people didn't want to talk about Cindy Sheehan because she lost her son. How could you argue with her after all... she's a grieving mother? But now she's not just attacking George Bush. She's not just attacking those who believe in the war. She's attacking all those other mothers who also lost their sons who don't obey her moral authority. What makes her opinion any more valid than there's?

Grieve if you must. Be taken advantage of by those who don't really care about you if it makes you feel like you have new purpose. But leave those other mother's out of it. Their pain is no less than yours, and they don't deserve to be strewn through the mud by you. That's all I'm going to say about Cindy Sheehan.


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Name: Nick
Home: Wauwatosa, WI, United States

I'm a Software Consultant in the Milwaukee area. Among various geeky pursuits, I'm also an amateur triathlete, and enjoy rock climbing. I also like to think I'm a political pundit.

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