The World According to Nick
My take on Software, Technology, Politics, and anything else I feel like talking about.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Founders Would Freak 

As I read various different reports from around the blogosphere about the election... from Instapundit, Vodkapundit and Ann Althouse about the crap that is going on so far in this election it suddenly dawned on me. If the founding fathers were alive today - they would freak. As it is, they're probably rolling around in their graves. George Washington especially must be having conniption fits. The man who could have been King of the United States... who set the example for all future presidents must be looking down on us shaking his head.

How is it, that in a democracy, the presidential elections have become the most important ones? Here was a man who voluntarily gave up the presidency after two terms, setting the precedent for all presidents until FDR. He is the man who sent the State of Union to the Congress in a letter... as did most presidents until the 20th century. Congress makes and passes the laws... but do you know who you're going to vote for in your senatorial race (if you have any senators up re-election this year)? Who are you going to vote for to represent you in the House?

Don't get me wrong - I've been concentrating on Bush vs. Kerry as much as the next guy. He is after all the Commander in Chief. He is the one who will lead us in the War on Terror for the next four years. And for me... that's the most important issue in today's election. But it's Congress that declares war after all... and Congress did declare War on Iraq. Think about how much power we've allowed the president to garner in our society. Listen to the campaign speeches. Candidates always promise more than they can constitutionally deliver. But seemingly ever year Congress seems to give away more and more power the Executive branch letting them keep those promises more and more often. How close are we to really having a King? George Washington would be sick.


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Home: Wauwatosa, WI, United States

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