The World According to Nick
My take on Software, Technology, Politics, and anything else I feel like talking about.
Monday, July 11, 2005

Training Update 

I'm now officially less than a week away from my next triathlon at Pewaukee Lake. My swimming is still not up to par (no shock there)... but I'm happy to say that I'm rocking everywhere else.

For the last several weeks I've really been working on my skills using the big gear up front. Previously I would use the small gear up front, and then go down to the harder gears in back. It was annoying to have to keep trimming out the front derailleur to use them, but it was my muscular comfort zone. By switching to using the larger gear up front and some easier gears in back, I've actually gotten more speed for about the same muscular effort, and I feel more confident at higher speeds too.

I've also changed up my run training a little. Mostly I had been running a set 5k circuit around where I live. I have it down. Down pat. In fact, I have it down too well. My body knows the ups and downs so well (even if I do it backwards) that by the time I'm done... I feel done. I never felt like I could really extend past that distance. It was very frustrating. Even when I went down to the lake I would run a 5k circuit there too, and felt the same.

The last two weekends I've changing things up by going down to the lake, and running a longer circuit. But I didn't know how much longer. I didn't want to know. I just decided on the route, ran it and didn't even look at my watch. I felt tired at the end each time, but not like I'd killed myself. In fact, I felt like I was having a very strong run, but I didn't have a clue how long I was running. Last night I went into Expedia Maps on my computer and mapped out the course to see how long it is. As it turns out it's just over 10k. Who knew?

So now this week I'll be letting my body recover (and it needs it) for my race on Sunday. Wish me luck. As for pictures from my last triathlon... the person who supposedly took them hasn't sent out anything to the racers. I'm kinda pissed off and have to remember to send a question to the race organizer about what happened.


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Name: Nick
Home: Wauwatosa, WI, United States

I'm a Software Consultant in the Milwaukee area. Among various geeky pursuits, I'm also an amateur triathlete, and enjoy rock climbing. I also like to think I'm a political pundit.

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