The World According to Nick
My take on Software, Technology, Politics, and anything else I feel like talking about.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Are People Basically Good or Bad? 

Every so often I'm reminded of things my very liberal government teacher used to talk about in high school. One of Mr. Helmenstein's musings... we all called him Helmy by the way... was to mention the various differences between liberals and conservatives. One of those differences was that "Liberals think people at their core are basically good, while conservatives think people are basically bad." His contention was that this explains why conservatives think that throwing people in jail is good, while liberals talk about rehabilitating these people and letting them back into society.

If that's true... then how do you explain these sorts of concerns over this new law in Florida? (H/T to Instapundit):

Such dueling rhetoric marked the debate over a measure that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) could sign as early as Tuesday. The legislation passed so emphatically that National Rifle Association backers plan to take it to statehouses across the nation, including Virginia's, over the next year. The law will let Floridians "meet force with force," erasing the "duty to retreat" when they fear for their lives outside of their homes, in their cars or businesses, or on the street.
The Florida measure says any person "has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm."
Critics argue that the measure is so broad it will encourage fights between neighbors, parents at soccer games or drinking buddies to escalate into gunfights.

"It's almost like a duel clause," said state Rep. Dan Gelber, a Miami Beach Democrat and former federal prosecutor whose wife is a state prosecutor. "People ought to have to walk away if they can."
"Disorder and chaos are always held in check by the law-abiding citizen," Baxley said.

Two completely different points of view. Critics are worried that people, not restrained by some law will go out picking fights, causing brawls, and shooting up quiet neighborhoods. While proponents are suggesting that people have the right to defend themselves, and are allowed to take an active role in discouraging crime against themselves. What a concept. Police can't be everywhere at once you know.

I find the whole thing as a reversal of that classic viewpoint. Liberals are now arguing that people are basically bad, and must be restrained, while conservatives are arguing that people are basically good, and can restrain themselves where appropriate.

Where are your labels now Helmy?


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Name: Nick
Home: Wauwatosa, WI, United States

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